Resources for educating, training, and supporting SOX partners on SOX Erosion Solution's patented bioengineered erosion control systems.
Discover the ultimate erosion control solution for golf courses with SOX Erosion Solutions™ Say goodbye to the challenges of traditional methods, as we bring you innovation that can be tailored to your course's unique needs.
For HOAs seeking a cost-efficient, eco-friendly, and highly effective erosion control solution that elevates the community's safety, compliance, and aesthetic appeal SOX Erosion Solutions™ is your go-to choice. Say goodbye to the old ways and embrace the future of erosion control!
>> Click to learn more about Municipal erosion control <<
DredgeSOX® is constructed with a double layer of knitted high-density polyethylene mesh that is filled by dredging sediment from the water body into the DredgeSOX system.
ShoreSOX® erosion control system halts soil erosion and re-stabilizes shorelines and hillsides with an open-ended containment system using locally sourced material.