Erosion Control and Bioengineered Living Shorelines
Discover the ultimate erosion control solution for golf courses with SOX Erosion Solutions™ Say goodbye to the challenges of traditional methods, as we bring you innovation that can
be tailored to your course's unique needs.
SOX is incredibly flexible in adapting to contours, from flat tight curves to the steep sides of a greens complex. SOX is able to transition seamlessly to the needs of your course.
SOX is a game-changer for golf industry professionals, architects, builders, and superintendents who value time, aesthetics, playability, and environmental BMP's. Choose the ultimate solution today!
DredgeSOX® is constructed with a double layer of knitted high-density polyethylene mesh that is filled by dredging sediment from the water body into the DredgeSOX system.
ShoreSOX® erosion control system halts soil erosion and re-stabilizes shorelines and hillsides with an open-ended containment system using locally sourced material.
3 Pathways to Installation
A SOX Certified Service Provider will install, start-to-finish.
SOX will educate, train, and certify your installation crew.
SOX provides a project manager for the full length of the project.